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United States

50 Percent Say Abortion Is ‘Morally Wrong’ – Highest in 7 Years

50 Percent Say Abortion Is ‘Morally Wrong’ – Highest in 7 Years
The percentage of Americans who believe abortion is “morally wrong” is the highest it’s been in seven years, according to Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs survey.

Christian Refugees Need a New Home: Time for the U.S. to Step Up

Christian Refugees Need a New Home: Time for the U.S. to Step Up
The Trump Administration has been a stalwart defender of Americans’ religious liberty. From repealing the HHS mandate, to protecting religious rights in the workplace, and especially the appointment of justices and judges who respect the first amendment, the “more” that was promised by the President after that initial executive order has been delivered.

Six Reasons Why Experts Are Arguing for and against the Electoral College

Six Reasons Why Experts Are Arguing for and against the Electoral College

Democratic Presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren called for the end of the Electoral College at a town hall meeting on Monday.

She said, “Every vote matters, and the way we can make that happen is that we can have national voting, and that means get rid of the Electoral College.”

This left many people wondering what exactly the Electoral College does and if it is truly needed. Even experts are divided on the issue, some believing it is a tired practice, while others believe it is a crucial part of the American political system.

Here are 3 reasons why experts are arguing for the Electoral College and 3 reasons why experts are arguing against the Electoral College:

Photo courtesy: Getty Images

Arguments for the Electoral College

What Part of “No Religious Test” Don’t We Understand?

What Part of “No Religious Test” Don’t We Understand?
The Constitution says there can be no religious test applied to those seeking office at the federal level (Article 6, clause 3). But lately some on the left are trying to apply a type of religious test against some would-be Trump nominees.

U.S. Will Remove All Remaining Personnel from Embassy in Venezuela

U.S. Will Remove All Remaining Personnel from Embassy in Venezuela
After four days of blackouts in the South American country, the United States announced that it will be removing all remaining U.S. staff members from its embassy in Venezuela.

Which Are the “Most Sinful States” in the US?

Which Are the “Most Sinful States” in the US?
A new study has compared America’s fifty states using forty-three indicators of immorality. The data set ranges from violent crimes to excessive drinking to gambling disorders.

America’s Historical Ignorance

America’s Historical Ignorance
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the darling of the new socialist Democrats in this country, recently referred to the three branches of government. She said, they are the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives. John Roberts, call your office.