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The Parents of Special-Needs Children Have Needs, Too

The Parents of Special-Needs Children Have Needs, Too

One group of parents we should especially keep in mind amid the coronavirus pandemic is the group least likely to constantly remind us of what they are going through, if for no other reason than they’re simply too busy. I’m talking of parents of children with autism and other developmental disabilities.

Is There Still a Place for Boys? – Parenting Young Men after the Scouts

Is There Still a Place for Boys? – Parenting Young Men after the Scouts

As the Boy Scouts of American celebrate another year of existence, one can help but wonder how many more years the formative organization has left. According to the Wall Street Journal, since 2008 the Scouts have lost nearly a million members and that number is steadily growing.

Mommas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up (and Certainly Don't Force Them) to Be Pop Stars

Mommas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up (and Certainly Don't Force Them) to Be Pop Stars

People in today's culture increasingly view children if not as burdens, then as consumer products. We pay other women to carry our babies; we pay doctors to create and freeze them; we obsess over the “right or wrong time” to have them. Billie Eilish's young fame seems to be a perfect example of what can happen if parents do this.

Most Christian Parents Choose Church Based on Children's Programs, Barna Finds

Most Christian Parents Choose Church Based on Children's Programs, Barna Finds

A new Barna study found that more than half of parents choose what church they attend based on the programs it has available for kids.

Tom Junod Shares 4 Lessons Mister Rogers Taught Him about Life

Tom Junod Shares 4 Lessons Mister Rogers Taught Him about Life

Mister Rogers taught acclaimed journalist Tom Junod many things in their time together, but four things, in particular, left lasting impressions on the journalist.

‘The Noblest and Most Precious Work’: Honoring and Encouraging Motherhood

‘The Noblest and Most Precious Work’: Honoring and Encouraging Motherhood
On Mother’s Day, most of us take intentional time and effort to show our moms how much we love and appreciate them, and how much we’re thankful for their love and sacrifice. I’m not always as intentional as I should be about honoring the moms in my life, especially the one who gave me life and the one who’s currently doing the really heavy lifting caring for our kids.

Trans Children and Parental Rights: How the Government Might Take Your Kids

Trans Children and Parental Rights: How the Government Might Take Your Kids
Imagine if tomorrow, a judge in the most liberal state in the country announced children no longer belong to their parents, they’re no longer under their parents’ authority. From henceforth, says the decree, kids belong to the state. Outraged parents would take to the streets! Angry and refusing to capitulate.

Allergic to Disagreement: Exposing Students to Different Beliefs Is Healthy

Allergic to Disagreement: Exposing Students to Different Beliefs Is Healthy
All parents remember how annoying it can be when a baby drops their pacifier on the floor. Whenever it happens, parents face a choice. First time parents typically opt for the hazmat suit route, carrying the pacifier to the kitchen and sanitizing it in boiling water. By the time your fourth kid comes around, you pick it up, you may or may not suck on it, and then give it back to your son or daughter. Not that I speak from experience or anything.

Why Are Parents Hiring “Fortnite” Coaches For Their Kids?

Why Are Parents Hiring “Fortnite” Coaches For Their Kids?
Are parents worried about the violence of the game or its addictive nature? For many, the answer is no. They’re worried that their kids are losing.