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Christian worldview

What Your Place in the World Says about Your View of the World

What Your Place in the World Says about Your View of the World

If we respond to ungodliness with godliness and slander with grace (cf. Matthew 5:39), others will know that we have experienced the sanctifying grace of Jesus. He taught us to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” for this purpose: “so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 5:44, 45).

How the Sperm Donation Industry Is Breaking Families

How the Sperm Donation Industry Is Breaking Families

One problem with the sperm donation industry is that it dehumanizes men and children. The God-given ability to procreate is transformed into a crude financial transaction. As is the case with egg donation, the way the “product” is marketed dehumanizes image-bearers, reducing them to a list of so-called “desirable qualities, such as height, hair color; supposed athletic ability, or where they went to college. This isn’t some “enlightened” new way to make a modern family. It’s re-branded eugenics.

"Absolute Chaos in Downtown Chicago": Why a "Theology Of Exile" Is Empowering for Christians Today

"Absolute Chaos in Downtown Chicago": Why a "Theology Of Exile" Is Empowering for Christians Today

In a recent interview, Kim Weir asked me to address the discouragement so many evangelicals feel with the moral trajectory of our culture. As she knows, it is tempting to withdraw from the world, to stop caring about people who don’t seem to care about us or our biblical convictions.

But this is precisely the wrong way for believers to respond to the issues of our day.

Announcing the 'Worldviews and Cultural Fluency' Professional Development Program for Christian Educators

Announcing the 'Worldviews and Cultural Fluency' Professional Development Program for Christian Educators

Christian education begins with Christian assumptions about life and the world, aims for Christian goals, and is governed by Christian methodologies. In both their personal beliefs and their public lives, we hope to help students love God with heart, mind, soul and strength, and love their neighbors as themselves. Like all of us, Christian educators need ongoing training and tailored professional development to serve the unique challenges of their vocation. 

To serve this incredibly important calling, the Colson Center has partnered with the Association of Christian Schools International and the International Alliance for Christian Education, two leading Christian education organizations, to offer a free, online, professional development program for schools and homeschool parents called “Worldviews and Cultural Fluency.”

'Wakeup Call for the Church': Half of Americans Say Good Deeds Get You to Heaven, Poll Shows

'Wakeup Call for the Church': Half of Americans Say Good Deeds Get You to Heaven, Poll Shows

According to a new survey, nearly half of Americans believe good deeds can get you into Heaven.

Bride's Wedding Video Cut Short by Beirut Explosion: Three Keys to Living in a Non-Linear World

Bride's Wedding Video Cut Short by Beirut Explosion: Three Keys to Living in a Non-Linear World

The tragedy in Beirut and the threat of nuclear annihilation point to the unpredictable and chaotic nature of our fallen world.

Join Us in Prayer for Our Nation

Join Us in Prayer for Our Nation

Each Wednesday morning between August 12 and November 4, which is the morning after the 2020 election, the Colson Center will host a national prayer time, via webinar. We invite you to join us, each week, to pray first and foremost for God’s mercy, that He would revive His church, that He would bring about renewal of righteousness, that He would empower us to courageously offer protection for the most vulnerable, to champion reconciliation across our deepest divides, and that He would allow us to be instruments in the sustaining of religious freedom and the national recovery of the family.

The Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act and the Ultimate Solution to the Sin of Racism

The Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act and the Ultimate Solution to the Sin of Racism

Never in my lifetime have I seen as much antagonism toward the Christian faith as I am seeing today. Such attacks drive many believers away from cultural engagement, leaving the field to the aggressors and convincing those on the sidelines that our critics are the winning side. But the more our culture rejects biblical truth, the more it needs biblical truth. And the more it needs biblical truth, the more we need to share that truth with courageous compassion.

Blasting Lawmakers, USAID Official Quits over Alleged 'Anti-Christian Sentiment'

Blasting Lawmakers, USAID Official Quits over Alleged 'Anti-Christian Sentiment'

The White House's deputy liaison to the U.S. Agency for International Development is resigning over criticism of her views on sexuality and gender identity from people she called “radical anti-Christian leftists.”