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Demographics Favor the Faithful: A Doubtful Future for Atheism

Demographics Favor the Faithful: A Doubtful Future for Atheism
Sometimes it seems that faith is receding around the globe. But is it? According to one atheist, demographics may favor the faithful. Stay tuned to BreakPoint.

Christian Singles and Practical Atheism

Christian Singles and Practical Atheism
Do you believe Christianity is true? Do you act like it? Find out why these are two very different questions, and the troubling answers young people today are giving, next on BreakPoint.

Atheists Launch Lawsuit Over Ground Zero Cross

Atheists Launch Lawsuit Over Ground Zero Cross
American Atheists is demanding that the 17-foot crossbeam, a familiar site for visitors to Ground Zero, be removed or altered to add an atheist monument of similar proportions.

Court Hears Atheists’ Challenge to Ground Zero Cross

Court Hears Atheists’ Challenge to Ground Zero Cross
Atheists are challenging plans to include a 17-foot, cross-shaped beam that became a famous symbol of Ground Zero after 9/11 in a display at the national memorial museum that is scheduled to open this spring.

'How to Persuade a Christian to become an Atheist'

'How to Persuade a Christian to become an Atheist'
I recently found a fascinating, 15-step strategy for converting Christians to atheism. The plan is an excellent way to do just the opposite, helping atheists find eternal life in Christ.

Russians Return to Religion, But Not Church

Russians Return to Religion, But Not Church
A new study by PewReserch shows that the number of Russians who identify themselves as “religious” has increased in the past several years.

Learning from Young Atheists

Learning from Young Atheists
The Fixed Point Foundation asked members of the Secular Students Associations on campuses around the nation to tell them about their “journey to unbelief.” They were surprised by the stories they heard.

Harold Camping Dies at 92

Harold Camping Dies at 92
Harold Camping, the radio preacher who convinced thousands of followers that Jesus would return on May 21, 2011, to usher in the end of the the world, has died.