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Called by God to Heal the Poor: Pastor Jose Gregorio Hernandez

Called by God to Heal the Poor: Pastor Jose Gregorio Hernandez

God gives each of us a unique calling and purpose for our life, a calling that is as true out “in the world” as much as it is for those in professional ministry. For most of us, serving God and following His call means not becoming part of the clergy but working in the “secular” realm where our gifts can do the most good for our neighbors.

From Father to Father: Lean into God and See Benefits for Your Children

From Father to Father: Lean into God and See Benefits for Your Children

This Father’s Day, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children (and grandchildren) is a personal biblical foundation that demonstrates complete trust in God, protection and comfort, commitment to emotional health, and great generosity. Not only will they see us grow in these areas, but they will experience it through us, and eventually, prayerfully, it will also become a part of them. That, in my opinion, is a legacy worth leaving.

God 'Will Take Me the Rest of the Way': Connecticut Graduate Turns Down $40,000 College Scholarship so Students in Need Can Have It

<p>God 'Will Take Me the Rest of the Way': Connecticut Graduate Turns Down $40,000 College Scholarship so Students in Need Can Have It</p>

A Connecticut high school graduate has turned down a $40,000 scholarship, telling school officials to give it away to students with more need her.

Christians Must Confront Political Polarization with the Truth of Micah 6:8, David French Says

Christians Must Confront Political Polarization with the Truth of Micah 6:8, David French Says

David French recently asserted that Christians must confront political polarization with the truth, kindness, and mercy of Micah 6:8.

The Power of Courage and the Liberation of Limitations

The Power of Courage and the Liberation of Limitations

We live in a world in great need of courageous altruism.

Yesterday we discussed the rising threats evangelical Christians are facing from censorship and discrimination. Today, I’d like us to reframe such obstacles as opportunities.

National Guard Troops Sleeping in the Capitol: Finding Transcendent Hope in Hard Days

National Guard Troops Sleeping in the Capitol: Finding Transcendent Hope in Hard Days

The political turmoil of our day proves our need for a movement that can transcend our divisions and bring us into community for the common good.

'That's What Jesus Would Do': Man Returns $43,000 He Found Hidden in Old Couch

'That's What Jesus Would Do': Man Returns $43,000 He Found Hidden in Old Couch

Last year a Michigan man found $43,000 in cash inside a secondhand couch he had recently purchased. The man chose to track down the family that had donated the couch and return the cash to them. Why? Well, because he says it is what Jesus would have done.

'Thank You': Mom Applauds Chick-fil-A for Accommodating Autistic Child's Unique Request

'Thank You': Mom Applauds Chick-fil-A for Accommodating Autistic Child's Unique Request

A Texas mom is lauding a local Chick-fil-A after they accommodated her autistic son's unique breakfast order.

An Incredible Story of Sacrificial Grace: Making Time for an Encounter That Changes Everything

An Incredible Story of Sacrificial Grace: Making Time for an Encounter That Changes Everything

The French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623–62) suggested a “wager” we can adapt as follows:

Either God exists, or he does not. If we wager that he exists and thus trust him for our salvation, and we are right, we gain eternity in heaven when we die. If we are wrong, we simply die along with everyone else. 

Finding Our Empowering Purpose through Service

Finding Our Empowering Purpose through Service

To return from an "I" centered culture to a "we" centered culture, we must fulfill our God-given calling to serve others.