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Election 2020

Trump Campaign Adds Religious Freedom, Protection of Unborn Lives to Second Term Agenda

Trump Campaign Adds Religious Freedom, Protection of Unborn Lives to Second Term Agenda

President Trump recently updated his second term agenda adding the protection of the unborn and religious freedom to his list of top priorities.

‘We Need God's Help,’ Franklin Graham Warns of the Democratic Party’s Socialist Agenda

‘We Need God's Help,’ Franklin Graham Warns of the Democratic Party’s Socialist Agenda

Last week, Franklin Graham issued a warning against the Democratic party calling them "opposed to faith."

Joe Biden Is 'Morally Bankrupt,' Democrats Are a 'Godless Party', Pastor Robert Jeffress Says

Joe Biden Is 'Morally Bankrupt,' Democrats Are a 'Godless Party', Pastor Robert Jeffress Says

Pastor Robert Jeffress recently praised President Trump, saying that he believes in justice and mercy. In the same interview, Jeffress asserted that the democratic party is godless and that Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden is morally bankrupt.

Biden Is a 'Trojan Horse for the Radical Left,' Pence Warns Americans

Biden Is a 'Trojan Horse for the Radical Left,' Pence Warns Americans

At the RNC Wednesday, Vice President Mike Pence warned Americans of Joe Biden's liberal agenda calling him a "Trojan horse for the radical left."

Trump Has ‘Done More for the Unborn Than Any Other President,’ Abby Johnson Tells RNC

Trump Has ‘Done More for the Unborn Than Any Other President,’ Abby Johnson Tells RNC

In her speech at the RNC on Tuesday, pro-life activist Abby Johnson asserted that President Trump has done "more for the unborn than any other president."

Second Night of the RNC Highlights Faith, Freedom and Justice

Second Night of the RNC Highlights Faith, Freedom and Justice

The second night of the Republican National Convention focused heavily on President Trump's contributions to religious freedom, criminal justice reform and the pro-life agenda.

Billy Graham's Granddaughter Urges Christian Women Not to Vote for Donald Trump

Billy Graham's Granddaughter Urges Christian Women Not to Vote for Donald Trump

The granddaughter of the late Billy Graham is urging women of faith not to vote for President Trump in the upcoming November election.

Biden-Harris Vision of America ‘Leaves No Room for People of Faith,’ Cissie Graham Lynch Says

Biden-Harris Vision of America ‘Leaves No Room for People of Faith,’ Cissie Graham Lynch Says

At the RNC Tuesday night, the granddaughter of the late evangelist Billy Graham, Cissie Graham Lynch, offered her endorsement of President Donald Trump.

5 Takeaways from the First Night of the Republican National Convention

5 Takeaways from the First Night of the Republican National Convention

President Donald Trump was officially nominated as the Republican presidential candidate as the Republican National Convention began Monday night in Washington, DC.

The RNC continues Thursday. Here are five key takeaways from the first night:

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