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7 Things God Says about the Earth and Caring for It

7 Things God Says about the Earth and Caring for It

With Earth Day approaching (April 22), it's a perfect time to consider God's plan for how humans are to care for the earth. From the creation of the world until today, the Bible gives us guidance on what God has to say about our duty to act as stewards of the earth and everything God created to inhabit it. Although God's good vision for the care of the earth has been marred by humans in many ways, hopefully looking back to Scripture will reestablish a right view of the role we as humans and as Christ-followers play in caring for God's amazing Creation.

Photo courtesy: Thinkstock/paulaphoto

7 Things Christians Should Know about Abortifacients

7 Things Christians Should Know about Abortifacients

Editor’s note: This is the tenth article in a monthly series on what Christians should know about bioethics. To read the other articles in the series, visit

It's important for Christians to be informed on issues of bioethics. Knowing about abortifacients is part of that. You may not even know what that word means, and that's what this article is for. It will help you to understand what abortifacients are and the concerns many Christians have about them. Read on to find out what you need to know.

Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/AntonioGuillem

5 Ways We Can (and Should!) Keep Celebrating Easter after the Actual Day

5 Ways We Can (and Should!) Keep Celebrating Easter after the Actual Day

You can always tell that Christmas is coming, even before it’s close. Radio stations start playing Christmas carols before we’ve even eaten all the Halloween candy, and commercials beckon us to start our shopping before we’ve even bought our Thanksgiving turkeys. Our nativity scenes are set up for weeks, and our advent calendars keep us counting down to the day baby Jesus entered our world. Christmas isn’t celebrated on just one day-- it gets a whole, long season.

Easter on the other hand? Usually, Christians dress up for one fancy Sunday service and forget about it all days later.

“Why do we spend an entire season of the year thinking about and celebrating Christmas, but just a weekend thinking about and celebrating the impact of the resurrection,” Trevin Wax asks.

Photo courtesy: ©Thinkstock/kevron2001

7 Businesses You May Not Have Known are Run by Christians

7 Businesses You May Not Have Known are Run by Christians

There are many Christian-run businesses out there, including some really high-profile ones. Here are seven of them--some of which we bet you didn't know were Christian-based! As Christians called to be good stewards of our resources, it's important to be educated on where we're spending our money. Next time you are looking to make a purchase, perhaps you may want to seek out these faith-focused places of business.

10 Times God Used Animals to Accomplish His Purposes

10 Times God Used Animals to Accomplish His Purposes

Throughout history, God has shown that He can use any part of His Creation to accomplish His purposes. We are likely familiar with God's use of water in Noah's flood, His use of fish or bread in Jesus' miracle of feeding thousands of people, or many other examples. But have you ever considered how God specifically uses animals for His glory? There are many examples of this both in biblical times and also in modern times. It is also important to note that God values caring well for the creatures He created. Proverbs 12:10 says, "The godly care for their animals, but the wicked are always cruel." Here are 10 instances in which God used various animals He created to accomplish His purposes or even to work miracles!

Here's How to Be a Smarter Christian with Social Media

Here's How to Be a Smarter Christian with Social Media

A major evangelical website recently reviewed a new book on the rise of technology in which the review lamented the challenges Christians face when navigating the digital world led by Google, Amazon, and Facebook. It was a helpful review of what seems to be a valuable book. But there was plenty of cyberspace irony. The title of the post was optimized for Google’s search algorithms. The review featured a “buy this book on Amazon” widget. And the website prominently displayed easy-to-link quotes to share on social platforms such as Facebook.

Is Joy the Same as Happiness? 10 Things to Know about This Fruit of the Spirit

Is Joy the Same as Happiness? 10 Things to Know about This Fruit of the Spirit

Theologian Miroslav Volf, who has written books on subjects ranging from the Trinity to the challenges of reconciliation in divided societies, has turned to what might seem like a frivolous subject: joy.