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Jordan Peterson Tells Richard Dawkins, 'I Told You So!'

Jordan Peterson Tells Richard Dawkins, 'I Told You So!'

It is typically entertaining when two popular intellectuals get into a public spat. Recently, Canadian psychologist and YouTube star Jordan Peterson called out the famous British biologist Richard Dawkins with an “I told you so!”

It Is Always Too Soon to Give Up on God's Ability to Transform Our Post-Christian Culture

It Is Always Too Soon to Give Up on God's Ability to Transform Our Post-Christian Culture

It is always too soon to give up on God. It is, therefore, too soon to give up on his ability to transform our post-Christian and even anti-Christian culture. So, let’s find a way today to be someone’s “servants for Jesus’ sake” today. Then let’s find ways to use our faith stories to “proclaim ... not ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord.”

TikToker Shares Multi-Dimensional Theory That Humans Never Truly Die, Sparking Anxiety

TikToker Shares Multi-Dimensional Theory That Humans Never Truly Die, Sparking Anxiety

A TikToker has shared a multi-dimensional theory in which people never truly die, sparking fear and concern in her followers.

Further Up, Further In: C.S. Lewis after His Conversion

<em>Further Up, Further In</em>: C.S. Lewis after His Conversion

Several years ago, Max McLean and the Fellowship for Performing Arts staged The Most Reluctant Convert, a play about the life of C.S. Lewis up to his conversion. During the Covid shutdowns, that production was made into a film that received strong reviews. Now, McLean and FPA are offering a follow-up stage production dealing with Lewis’s life post-conversion.

Although Further Up and Further In includes some biographical information, such as the writing of The Problem of Pain and the recording of the BBC talks that were later published in Mere Christianity, this new production takes the much more challenging route of exploring the different aspects of Lewis’s ministry. Not surprisingly, much of the production is focused on his apologetics.

We Must Be Accountable to God

We Must Be Accountable to God

Paul exposed their delusions to Timothy, who was pastoring the Ephesian Christian community: “The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. Certain persons, by swerving from these, have wandered away into vain discussion, desiring to be teachers of the law, without understanding either what they are saying or the things about which they make confident assertions” (1 Timothy 1:5-7).

In so doing, they rejected biblical truth that is “not laid down for the just but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for those who strike their fathers and mothers, for murderers, the sexually immoral, men who practice homosexuality, enslavers, liars, perjurers, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, in accordance with the gospel of the glory of the blessed God with which I have been entrusted” (vv. 9–11).

How Both 'Death with Dignity' and Nazi Propaganda Redefine Compassion

How Both 'Death with Dignity' and Nazi Propaganda Redefine Compassion

A recent story out of the Netherlands reminds us, as the adage goes, that the road to hell is paved with good intentions. According to an article in the New York Post, the country, which has long led the world in legalizing and promoting euthanasia, has now expanded the reach of its angels of death to include those suffering from mental illness and even autism. Other countries are falling in line.

The Popularity and Peril of Infidelity

The Popularity and Peril of Infidelity

It is clear that our nation is in at least the first phase of divine judgment against sexual immorality. In 2001, 91 percent of Americans considered it immoral for married people to have sexual relations with someone other than their spouse, the very arrangement Bill de Blasio and his wife are announcing. Today, roughly 60 percent say the same; the more educated the respondent, the greater their acceptance of adultery.

What are the consequences of such sin? Research shows that “infidelity is reliably associated with poorer mental health particularly depression/anxiety and PTSD, and relationship dissolution/divorce which has been shown to adversely impact offspring.” In fact, “across 160 societies, infidelity is the single most common cause of marital dissolution.”

The Weight of Glory and Why It Matters

The Weight of Glory and Why It Matters

There are seven different Hebrew words that can be translated into “glory” in English and five Greek words – but I will not be diving into each of those definitions in this article.

But I will dive into the word kavod. This one word is more than enough for us to chew on and contemplate as we understand what God’s glory – an intangible, ethereal, far-away concept, means for us in a very real sense, every day of our lives.

Kavod is related to the word kaved, meaning “heavy.” Weightiness. Although something being heavy might seem unrelated to angels singing in heaven, think about it for a moment.

Organ Donation and 'Presumed Consent'

Organ Donation and 'Presumed Consent'

Following the lead of the province of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick became the second jurisdiction in Canada to adopt a policy of “presumed consent” for organ and tissue donation. Instead of willingly opting in to be an organ donor, residents 19 years and older, with limited exceptions, will be opted in by default.  

While many see this as a solution to the perpetual demand for transplant organs, laws like these treat the ethics of organ donation as a settled matter while treating humans and their bodies as means to other ends. Even more, considering Canada’s policy of Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID), this step will corrode the already thin ideas of “autonomy” and “consent” while incentivizing a utilitarian view of human nature. 

Most Secular Americans Don't Know the Peril They Face

Most Secular Americans Don't Know the Peril They Face

Here’s America’s great problem: most secular Americans don’t know the peril they face.

They don’t know that their sins have separated them from God and his best for them (Isaiah 59:2). They don’t know that their rejection of biblical morality is poisoning their minds and corrupting their souls (cf. Isaiah 64:6). They don’t know that they are one day closer to divine judgment than ever before: “While people are saying, ‘There is peace and security,’ then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape” (1 Thessalonians 5:3).

This is why we owe it to them to tell them. A person with the only cure for a deadly pandemic has a moral obligation to share it with everyone they can. Whatever it takes for America’s Christians to lead Americans to Christ will be worth it for all eternity.