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Hashtag #Iwillprotectyou Goes Viral after Muslim Girl Says She Fears being Forced Out of Country

Hashtag #Iwillprotectyou Goes Viral after Muslim Girl Says She Fears being Forced Out of Country
The hashtag #Iwillprotectyou has gone viral after a Muslim girl said she was afraid that soldiers were going to force she and her family out of the country.

Are Religious Kids Meaner Than Secular Kids?

Are Religious Kids Meaner Than Secular Kids?
We Christians are used to the media calling us mean. But now our children are mean as well?

Religion Banned from 'Downton Abbey'

Religion Banned from 'Downton Abbey'
The TV series “Downton Abbey” has many fans, but what those fans might not know is that the show’s executives have made a decision not to incorporate religion into the show.

Pew Study: More Americans Reject Religion, but Believers Firm in Faith

Pew Study: More Americans Reject Religion, but Believers Firm in Faith
Americans as a whole are growing less religious, but those who still consider themselves to belong to a religion are, on average, just as committed to their faiths as they were in the past.

Ben Carson Wouldn’t Vote for Muslim President Because He Takes Religion Seriously

Ben Carson Wouldn’t Vote for Muslim President Because He Takes Religion Seriously
The fact that our country has never had religious test for public office, and that no one is automatically disqualified due to religious beliefs does not mean that religion doesn’t matter.