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free speech

Amazon Halts Selling of Books that Label Gender Dysphoria a Mental Illness

Amazon Halts Selling of Books that Label Gender Dysphoria a Mental Illness

Amazon announced last week that it has changed its policy and will no longer be selling books that label gender dysphoria or LGBT identity as a “mental illness.”

Student Suspended from New York-Based University for Opposing Transgenderism

Student Suspended from New York-Based University for Opposing Transgenderism

A student was recently suspended from a New York-based public university after he asserted that 'a man is a man, a woman is a woman."

Clarence Thomas Urges Supreme Court to Take Up Future Abortion Case Involving Speech Restrictions outside Abortion Clinics

Clarence Thomas Urges Supreme Court to Take Up Future Abortion Case Involving Speech Restrictions outside Abortion Clinics

On Monday, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas urged the high court to take up the issue of speech restrictions outside abortion clinics.

Alito Warns: Religious Liberty 'Is in Danger of Becoming a Second-Class Right'

Alito Warns: Religious Liberty 'Is in Danger of Becoming a Second-Class Right'

On Thursday, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito delivered a blunt warning about the future of religious liberty and free speech in the United States.

School Bans 3rd Grader's 'Jesus Loves Me' Mask, Threatens Suspension

School Bans 3rd Grader's 'Jesus Loves Me' Mask, Threatens Suspension

A Mississippi family is alleging that their daughter was discriminated against for her Christian faith after school officials forced her to remove her face mask that had the phrase “Jesus Loves Me" on it.

Free Speech Demonstrators Attacked in San Francisco: Three Urgent Problems and Three

Free Speech Demonstrators Attacked in San Francisco: Three Urgent Problems and Three

Broadcast, digital, and social media have made it easier than ever for us to curate our news feeds, consuming only those sources whose opinions agree with ours. As the partisan divides in our country continue to widen, these echo chambers are only reinforcing our positions and our rejection of those who disagree with us.

Atheist Group Files Amicus Brief Supporting Christian Student Disciplined for Evangelizing on Campus

Atheist Group Files Amicus Brief Supporting Christian Student Disciplined for Evangelizing on Campus

the American Humanist Association recently offers its support to a Christian college student who was disciplined for sharing the Gospel with other students outside of designated "free speech" zones.

Pastor's Daughter Sent Home from School for Wearing 'Homosexuality Is a Sin' T-Shirt

Pastor's Daughter Sent Home from School for Wearing 'Homosexuality Is a Sin' T-Shirt

A pastor's daughter was reportedly sent home from school for wearing a t-shirt that had the phrase "Homosexuality Is a Sin," on it.

Department of Education Implements Trump Order Protecting Religious Freedom on College Campuses

Department of Education Implements Trump Order Protecting Religious Freedom on College Campuses

The Department of Education issued a final ruling on the “Religious Liberty and Free Inquiry" regulation which will require public colleges and universities to treat all faith-based student organizations equally.

The First Amendment Matters at Iowa State University

The First Amendment Matters at Iowa State University

After a college professor warned students in her syllabus that speaking out against a battery of social issues, including abortion and transgenderism among other things, would be grounds for dismissal from the class, the university stepped in and told the professor that she must change her syllabus as it hinders students' first amendment rights.