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Father Refuses to Give Up Son with Down Syndrome Despite Wife's Ultimatum to Divorce Him

Father Refuses to Give Up Son with Down Syndrome Despite Wife's Ultimatum to Divorce Him
Samuel Forrest has made international headlines for deciding to keep his son who was born with Down Syndrome despite his wife’s threat of divorce.

Top Catholics and Evangelicals: Gay Marriage Worse than Divorce or Cohabitation

Top Catholics and Evangelicals: Gay Marriage Worse than Divorce or Cohabitation
An alliance of conservative Catholics and evangelical Protestants is set to issue a manifesto against gay marriage that calls same-sex unions “a graver threat” than divorce or cohabitation.

Abilene Christian University President Allowed to Keep Position after Divorce

Abilene Christian University President Allowed to Keep Position after Divorce
The trustees at Abilene Christian University (ACU) have determined that Phil Schubert will retain his position as president even in the face of divorce proceedings for “irreconcilable differences.”

3 Misconceptions Christians Have about Divorce

3 Misconceptions Christians Have about Divorce
In Smith’s Relevant Magazine article “3 Misconceptions Christians Have About Divorce” he shares misguided thoughts common to Christians dealing with divorce, or watching it from an outside perspective.

Researcher Says Divorce Rate Among Christians Lower Than Previously Thought

Researcher Says Divorce Rate Among Christians Lower Than Previously Thought
Researcher Shaunti Feldhahn discovered the divorce rate of Christians who attend church regularly is lower than the secular world. It’s “maybe 15 percent, maybe 20 percent for all marriages,” said Feldhahn.

Derek Webb and Sandra McCracken’s Divorce Announcement Rocks Christian Artist Community

Derek Webb and Sandra McCracken’s Divorce Announcement Rocks Christian Artist Community
Now, the issue of Christian artists divorcing is back, this time for popular musicians Derek Webb and Sandra McCracken, who announced on April 17 that their 13-year marriage was ending after an affair.