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Spiritual Explosion — 'My Eyes Have Seen the King'

Spiritual Explosion — 'My Eyes Have Seen the King'

A desire to truly experience God runs deep within our veins. However, for most Christians, experiencing God is either elusive and frightening or impossible and improbable. But to the thirsty pilgrim, God’s presence is a wellspring of life. Do we fight for it, or let it fade away? Do we contend for a deeper walk with God, or complain about our life? Do we pursue God like never before, or postpone intimacy?

The Muslim Hajj Begins Today: Why Christians Should Know about Hajj

The Muslim Hajj Begins Today: Why Christians Should Know about Hajj

Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam. During Hajj, there is an expectation for physically and financially able Muslims to travel to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, at least once in their lives. Meaning “pilgrimage” in Arabic, Hajj is an event that unites Muslims worldwide as they shed social status and celebrate equality in a holy city. As Christians engage in conversations with their Muslim friends, knowing the background and purpose of the spiritual pilgrimage of Hajj can help equip us to be ready to encourage our Muslim friends toward a saving hope in Christ.

'I'm Not a Religious Person': Chris Pratt Addresses Online Backlash Concerning His Faith

'I'm Not a Religious Person': Chris Pratt Addresses Online Backlash Concerning His Faith

In a recent interview with Men’s Health, Hollywood actor and professing Christian Chris Pratt shared that he is “not religious” but has a personal relationship with God.

Embodying God's Story in This Cultural Moment

Embodying God's Story in This Cultural Moment

We didn’t choose to be in this cultural moment, or to face the challenges it presents. Our time and our place in history are chosen by God. Our moment in history is not an accidental context in which we try to follow Jesus. It’s actually part of the calling to follow Jesus. He invites us into His life and to join in the advance of His kingdom and His story right now.

Sharing Your Faith Is Not an Imposition of Your Values on Others

Sharing Your Faith Is Not an Imposition of Your Values on Others

We must never allow our skeptical, secularized culture to persuade us that sharing and standing for our faith is an imposition of our values on others. To the contrary, such bold witness is the most compassionate way we can love our neighbor as ourselves.

Passing the Faith Contagiously

Passing the Faith Contagiously

In his recent book, Mark Mittelberg tackles the challenge and calling to communicate faith in this cultural moment. It’s called Contagious Faith, and it teaches believers to communicate to a world looking for better answers.

The Path to Transformational Trust

The Path to Transformational Trust

It is always too soon to give up on God. No matter how much we distrust our government or grieve for the direction of our culture, the King of the universe is still on his throne.

Why Mickey Can’t Give You Meaning

Why Mickey Can’t Give You Meaning

Building a life around cartoons is disturbing and sad. But the problem isn’t people who love fantasy too much. It’s people who have nothing better to love, and a culture that tells them they may just as well wish upon a star as call upon the Lord.

Only 54 Percent of Christians Say They Are 'Willing' or 'Eager' to Share about Their Faith

Only 54 Percent of Christians Say They Are 'Willing' or 'Eager' to Share about Their Faith

Lifeway Research data found that nearly six in 10 believers do not know any methods for telling others about their faith in Christ.