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biblical worldview

'Seeing Jesus from the East': A Much-Needed Perspective for Western Eyes

'Seeing Jesus from the East': A Much-Needed Perspective for Western Eyes

In Seeing Jesus from the East, Ravi Zacharias and Abdu Murray explain how certain underlying norms of Eastern culture, including the role and purpose of stories and symbols, the power of the “honor and shame” mentality that pervades the East, the meaning and rewards of sacrifice, the role of teachers and prophets within a wisdom-oriented culture, and – my favorite – the use of parables, are all critical to understand if we are to comprehend the full biblical witness about Jesus Christ.

Jen Hatmaker Celebrates Daughter's Lesbian Identity - What She Got Right and Wrong

Jen Hatmaker Celebrates Daughter's Lesbian Identity - What She Got Right and Wrong

God’s Word is very clear on the dangers of homosexuality, adultery, pornography, and other sexual sins. If our sexual preferences run contrary to God’s Word we must change our preferences, not the other way around.

A 'Tale of Two Cities' and God's Plan for Our Problems

A 'Tale of Two Cities' and God's Plan for Our Problems

When you and I seek to become godly and spend time in God’s word and worship, he will make us what we strive to be. Our desire to be obedient positions us to be empowered to be obedient. As we work, he works. And he redeems the challenges of our fallen world by using them to draw us to himself in dependent faith.

Supreme Court Rules on Abortion and Jen Hatmaker Says Her Daughter Is Gay: What Our Culture Needs Most

Supreme Court Rules on Abortion and Jen Hatmaker Says Her Daughter Is Gay: What Our Culture Needs Most

In a week focused on the consequences of character, it is therefore vital that Christians do what is needed to become the change we wish to see. We cannot control what others do, but we can control our words and actions and the values they reflect. We can use our influence for biblical morality, but only if we are people others are willing to follow.

Is Critical Theory Compatible with Christianity?

Is Critical Theory Compatible with Christianity?

Critical theory and intersectionality are not consistent with Christianity, and here are three reasons why.

Record Low 6 Percent of Americans Adhere to a Biblical Worldview, New Study Shows

Record Low 6 Percent of Americans Adhere to a Biblical Worldview, New Study Shows

A new Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University survey found that only six percent of American Christians adhere to a biblical worldview.

Tennis Players Petition for Sports Arena to Be Renamed over Margaret Court’s Christian Views

Tennis Players Petition for Sports Arena to Be Renamed over Margaret Court’s Christian Views

Two professional tennis players are calling for an Australian arena named after tennis legend Margaret Court to have a name change over Court's biblical views on marriage.

What if America Continues to Ignore the Warning Signs?

What if America Continues to Ignore the Warning Signs?

While Americans are concerned with terrorism, and rightly so, there is a greater threat from within. We are witnessing the rapid deterioration of a nation before our eyes. We have become one nation “above” God, rather than under God.