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Shane Idleman

Shane Idleman

America’s Microwave Christianity—The Heart of the Present-Day Church Must Change

As we all know, America is in a spiritual decline with no recovery in sight. Many churches have a form of “microwave” Christianity: service times last just over an hour, prayer is glanced over, and worship is designed to entertain the masses. Many pastors avoid offending their audience and seek to be motivational rather than convicting. If we truly want to see revival, the face of the present-day church needs to change. Granted, there are wonderful churches, but as a whole, we have drifted significantly off course. For example, do you ever wonder how a Christian (let alone a pastor) can embrace gay marriage and encourage it? Listen to this Fox News interview archive to find out how.

Can I Lose My Salvation?: A Response to the Faltering Faith of Former Christian Leaders

A common question for many is, "Can I lose my salvation?" I’ve heard both sides of the argument, and only God truly knows a person’s heart, but I can share a few thoughts. The reason there is a debate is because the Scriptures teach that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned, but they also offer warnings about falling away. There should be a healthy tension between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility. This issue should not create a spirit of division, elitism, or theological superiority.

Why We Shouldn't Abandoned Our Ethics or Compromise Our Principles to Be Involved in Politics

God has given us a wonderful gift known as America. The government isn’t bad or good; her people determine success or failure. Why would God ordain our government and then not want us to steward His gift? Many have been guilty of not getting involved by saying, “We shouldn’t say or do anything political. All we need to do is preach the gospel.” Be careful . . . although the gospel is our primary focus, this shouldn’t be an excuse against action.

Is America Racist & Ungodly? Can We Have American Pride?

Newsweek magazine, on December 27, 1982, in an article entitled, How the Bible Made America, made this revealing statement, “historians are discovering that the Bible, perhaps even more than the Constitution, is our Founding document.”

An Open Letter to Pastors in the U.S.A.

Over the last few decades, Americans have seen the destruction of the institution of marriage between a man and a woman, the removal of God’s Word in several areas, and the blatant murdering of millions of babies. This is an indictment against America and the pulpit is partially responsible – our silence speaks volumes.

This Sermon May Be Illegal in California Soon

As pastors in California are wondering what the next step is, God's Word is crystal clear - preach the full counsel of God. Pastors… make no mistake about it: we play an enormous role in shaping the direction of the country. We can no longer remain silent while sin goes unchecked.

What Does the Bible Say about Food?

There are many views regarding what diet is ideal. Vegans, vegetarians, proponents of plant-based diets, and meat promoters all argue that their diet is best. Throw the raw diet crowd into the mix, and the confusion only increases. Many of these diets overlap but with some stark differences. For example, hard-core raw advocates don’t cook any food. They consume it straight from the tree, vine, or ground. Plant-based diets promote raw, but they are often flexible and have a much broader range of choices.

LGBT Pride Endued with LGBT Power

I so appreciate the heart of those on both sides of this debate. My hope is that readers will read the entire article before drawing conclusions. Those who strongly believe in the Bible and God’s will regarding sexual behavior also strongly believe in unconditional love and forgiveness. To say that authentic Christians hate homosexuals demonstrates a gross misunderstanding of the Christian faith. The ability to relate to people on their level, show genuine concern, and love them regardless of their lifestyle is a mark of true Christianity.

Fathers... Families Would Rather 'See' a Sermon Not Hear it

We are in desperate need of genuine leadership—broken, humble men—men who are not afraid to admit that they need God; men who are more worried about prayer than about status and recognition; men who petition God rather than position themselves.