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British Prime Minister Declares War on Internet Porn

British Prime Minister Declares War on Internet Porn
British Prime Minister David Cameron announced a plan Monday aimed at curbing Internet pornography in the UK.


Today 12 percent of websites are pornographic, and 40 million Americans are regular visitors — including 70 percent of 18- to 34-year-olds, who look at porn at least once a month. Fully 94 percent of therapists in another survey reported seeing an increase in people addicted to porn.

Ban Internet Porn... Can They Do That? Iceland Can

Ban Internet Porn... Can They Do That? Iceland Can
Just when we thought the age of anything-goes sexuality had taken over, we see a shocking outbreak of sanity in an unexpected place.

The Tragic Price of Pornography

The Tragic Price of Pornography
At $13 billion a year, the porn industry piles up more revenue than any of the major sports organizations. Are Americans becoming bigger fans of pornography than of major-league sports? Well, there’s nothing "sporting" about how pornography is affecting our youth.

Sisters and Daughters: Facing the Faces of Porn

Sisters and Daughters: Facing the Faces of Porn
Pornography is mainstream, and it’s distorting our view of women. But we can refocus.

Challenging Our Culture's 'Fake Women'

Challenging Our Culture's 'Fake Women'
Christians have been accused lately of waging a "war on women." The war is real, but Christians aren’t the ones waging it.

Is Pornography Really Wrong?

Is Pornography Really Wrong?
When it comes to porn, the question facing many men and women is simple: is it really wrong? Is it really that big of a deal?

There's a Pink Elephant in the Church

There's a Pink Elephant in the Church
A majority of men in our nation are struggling at some level with viewing pornography.

Conservative Group to Fight .XXX Domain Names

Conservative Group to Fight .XXX Domain Names
The conservative group Morality in Media announced June 13 that it would "vigorously oppose the expansion of pornography domains on the Internet."

Groupon Boycott a Success, Says Anti-Porn Group

Groupon Boycott a Success, Says Anti-Porn Group
The online coupon company Groupon has decided to discontinue its business association with a California-based torture porn group -- and an anti-porn organization that launched a boycott claimed victory.