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A Lineage of Motherhood for the Modern Woman

Cathe Laurie | Founder and Director of Virtue, Author | Published: May 06, 2022
A Lineage of Motherhood for the Modern Woman

A Lineage of Motherhood for the Modern Woman

Mother's Day is approaching, which means the stores are again filled with flowers, cards, and balloons. It's a beautiful celebration but also one that can, in many ways, "flower" over the reality of motherhood - it is not an easy job!

With the miracle of creating new life also comes the weight of responsibility, the potential for heartbreak and the constant call to pray and surrender. The biblical tradition provides unique examples of motherhood that we would do well to follow regardless of our personal beliefs.

I think about all the mothers mentioned in the Bible and the way God blessed them, even in hardship.

Moses' mother gave birth to her son in perilous times, having to give him up and hide him in reeds to save his life. Through God's providence, she was still called by Pharaoh's daughter to nurse and care for him (Exodus 2:1-10).

Samson's mother dealt with the heartache of infertility, but was blessed with a son, created to deliver Israel (Judges 13).

Mothers like Bathsheba and Rahab had imperfect pasts but were still positioned in the lineage of the Messiah (2 Samuel 11, Joshua 2, Matthew 1:5-6).

Naomi lost both her children but remained faithful and, in the end, rejoiced in hope (Ruth 1-4).

Over and over, we are reminded of the challenges and blessings that motherhood can bring. If you are a mother – whether biological or not – you have probably experienced your fair share of both!

I want to encourage you during this season to hold on tight to the calling placed on your life. Your womb has been blessed with children. They are arrows in the hand of a mighty warrior! (Psalm 123:3-4) You are a warriorin whom God has placed His trust to raise the next generation. You are called to a higher purpose, to set the stage for the future.

Heartache is written into the DNA of a loving mother, whether it is the heartbreak of infertility as in the earliest years of Manoa's wife, or in the later year of her adult son, Samson. But don't allow the heartache to rob you of the hope that the Lord has planted deep in your heart for your child. Love them with all of your heart and never give up on them.

Even if you do not have or no longer have children with us, all of us women have a special opportunity to be a mother figure for those who are hurting, those who are orphaned, and those who are just in need of love and guidance. The world is never barren of children, young and old. Keep your eyes and hearts open to those placed before you. You may be called to be a mother figure to someone, no matter your age or marital status!

It is not an easy job. In fact, many women now are passing on it nowadays because they've seen the struggle. But know that no matter what has happened or how imperfect we all feel at times, God is using us in ways we may not even know.

I'm sure all these amazing mothers in the Bible had no idea of all that was to come, but they kept on fighting, praying, and believing that all things would work out for good in their children's lives. I encourage you today to remember your purpose and never give up hope.

Mothers, we are warriors!

The views expressed in this commentary do not necessarily reflect those of Christian Headlines.

Photo courtesy: iStock/Getty Images Plus/evgenyatamanenko

Cathe Laurie is the wife of Greg Laurie, Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship and featured speaker for Harvest Crusades and Harvest America Evangelistic Outreaches.

She is the founder and director of Virtue, the women’s ministry at Harvest Christian Fellowship, which for over 40 years has helped women discover a deeper relationship with God through studying the Scriptures. She is a Bible teacher and featured speaker on The Virtue Podcast with Cathe Laurie. Through the pages of her book, As I See It, and her devotional blog read nationwide, Cathe brings a distinctly feminine perspective to show how Scripture speaks to all the basic issues of life.

Cathe and Greg celebrated 47 years of marriage in February 2021. They have two sons: Christopher, who went to be with the Lord in 2008, and Jonathan; two daughters-in-law, Brittany and Brittni; and five grandchildren, Stella, Lucy, Rylie, Alexandra, and Christopher. 

Cathe enjoys hiking and reading and has lots of fun cooking in the kitchen with her grandchildren.

A Lineage of Motherhood for the Modern Woman