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The Impact of Isolation on Education

God made us for relationships. As helpful as computers and phones are, they are not substitutes for real people.

'Authentic' Truth is Christ-Centered

To be authentically me is to be who God says I am. Our identity is established by, guaranteed by, and secured in Jesus Christ.

Embracing Biblical Truth in the Face of Current Events

Christians are called to steward the nations they are in.

Living Our Imperfect Lives to the Fullest

The danger in refusing to honor the imperfect isn’t just the temptation to whitewash others’ sins while excusing our own.

Hate is Not Synonymous with Progression

After years of conservative speakers being canceled and shouted down, it is clear that many progressives only wish to hear their own voices.

Biblical Truth Doesn't Change

Christians believe that God has revealed Himself in the world He made and in His Word.

Learning from Christmas Sermons of the Past

Not everything in Augustine’s Christmas sermons is as theologically clear, but we would do well to ponder his words on the wonder and the many paradoxes of the incarnation and join him in celebrating and rejoicing in the birth of our Lord. 

Prioritizing the Value of Family

Apparently, it really matters what men think about themselves, about women, and about families.

Conjuring Courageous Faith in the Face of Fear

How Christians can have a courageous faith is the focus.

Love Illuminates the Truth Darkness Attempts to Confuse

These are hard truths indeed, but hard truths are more loving than false narratives.