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Dr. James Emery White

Dr. James Emery White

Veterans Day 2023

Saturday is Veterans Day. It is a well-known American holiday, but one with many misconceptions. So many that the U.S. Department of Defense issued “5 Facts to Know About Veterans Day” in relation to its observance back in 2018. In honor of Veterans Day, and as my own salute of gratitude to veterans, thought it fitting to share the five again.

Nothing Compares to the Church

Many years ago, I read of a pastor who boarded a plane in a pair of old blue jeans and a T-shirt, looking anything but ministerial. He sat down next to a well-dressed business guy who was reading a copy of the Wall Street Journal. They exchanged the usual pleasantries, and then the pastor asked the man what he did for a living

The Crisis of the Fourth Estate

It has long been held that there is a “fourth estate,” or fourth power, operating in our world. It refers to the press and news media. And according to a new Gallup poll, it has lost much of its influence.

About Halloween (2023)

I grew up in a day when Halloween was little more than pumpkins, fall festivals, hayrides and dressing up as a pirate or a farmer to go trick-or-treating. And that’s also what it was like for my (now) very post-Halloween-age children. I know its history, but few celebrations in our day are free from pagan roots—almost all had a pagan heritage that was later seized and transformed by a Christian culture.

The Myth of Online Attenders

When people hear about things like a “hybrid” approach to ministry – utilizing both the physical and the digital, in person and online – they are instantly dismissive. It is, to their thinking, missionally inferior. This is, of course, false.

7 Ways Disney Changed the Church

Here are seven ways Disney changed the contemporary church—and for the better.

Understanding Israel Part 2

So what is the story of the modern state of Israel, and why is there so much tension in the Middle East surrounding its existence? As Richard Haass writes in The World: A Brief Introduction, the history of the Middle East since World War II is more often described in terms of various wars than anything else.

Understanding Israel Part 1

It seems as if the nation of Israel is always in the news, but with the recent conflict with Hamas resulting in the worst violence in nearly a decade they are front and center as never before. Many Christians don’t know what to think about Israel. Few have more than a superficial understanding of the Israel of the Old Testament, and how that nation and people factored into things. After that, they really don’t know what became of it.

The Need for Pracademics

I once had someone refer to me, a bit condescendingly, as a “scholar” instead of an “academic.” They acknowledged my earned Ph.D., with academic work at such institutions as Vanderbilt in the U.S. and Oxford in the U.K., along with many years of serving as an adjunct and visiting professor at various institutions yet felt the need to point out that I had not devoted my life to the academy.

The State of the Post-Pandemic Church

A yearlong study of more than 1,000 pastors and leaders, conducted by ChurchSalary and the Arbor Research Group on the impact of COVID-19 on the American church, has been completed and the results released.