Episcopalian Hopes Anglican Leaders Will Reform ECUSA

  • Jim Brown Agape Press
  • Published Oct 21, 2003
Episcopalian Hopes Anglican Leaders Will Reform ECUSA

A conservative Episcopalian is predicting that her denomination will "seriously hemorrhage" members over the next twelve months.

Last week, the chief leaders of the Anglican Communion expressed "deep regret" over the Episcopal Church's decision to confirm openly homosexual bishop V. Gene Robinson. They warned that consecrating Robinson would "tear the fabric" of the Anglican Communion.

The Anglican leaders told Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold that their worldwide communion would be "put in jeopardy" if Robinson is consecrated as bishop of New Hampshire next month.

Diane Knippers, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy (ird-renew.org), says the Episcopal Church is likely to ignore the warnings of the Anglican primates. She feels Griswold has failed the denomination by not displaying biblical leadership.

"The presiding bishop all along has failed to think through the ramifications of his actions," Knippers says. She contends that Griswold "just doesn't get it -- he simply doesn't understand what is at stake and what he is risking with these actions, and I think over time that's going to be made clear to him."

Knippers says she believes last week's "rebuke" of the Episcopal Church by Anglican leaders was a necessary first step in correcting the excesses of her denomination. Next, she says, the Anglican Communion needs to develop structures of accountability and discipline.

According to Knippers, "the clear witness of the Anglican Communion regarding doctrine of marriage, regarding human sexuality is being ignored by the Episcopal Church. It is virtually an unprecedented situation."

Knippers feels that this flouting of doctrine will continue until the communion makes the necessary changes. "The Anglican Communion lacks the legal structures to discipline one of its member churches. It lacks a way to enforce its clear teaching," she says.

Although the Anglican primates want a commission to address the crisis in the communion and report back in a year, Knippers says many Episcopalians will not be willing to wait that long for reform.

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